Thursday, May 8, 2008

Review Project

Recently my friend Joe turned me onto a horror movie review blog ( I wasn't impressed initially since the first review I read blasted a particular favorite film of mine and its director (who I also love). I noted my distaste and promptly forgot about the site for a few weeks. This week that all changed. I work for a college, and the next couple of weeks fall into the intersession area between the Spring semester and the Summer semester. All activity dies down, and the campus becomes a ghost town. This all has the effect of driving me bat-shit insane from boredom. Therefore, I turn to anything to liven my day up. Well… Horror Movie A Day slipped into rotation once again in my browsing schedule and quickly took over. The reviews are well-written, fuckin' funny as all Hell, and written with that extra special nerdiness that I connect with.

With that said, I'm thinking of attempting a lesser feat. There's no way in Hell I could force myself to watch a horror film and review it every single day of the year. I propose a horror film review three times a week. That will be a task for me, for I haven't really been particularly forthcoming with the blogs lately. I even plan to actually sit down and put some thought into these reviews. The majority of my blogs are just mouth diarrhea anyways. I tend to just blurt out some shit that was never really thought out.

I'll start soon. I promise one within the next few days. I'll be taking suggestions on movies. Feel free to subject me to some horrible shit.

1 comment:

BC said...

Hahahah what movie/director did I trash? And good luck with your quest!