Monday, May 12, 2008

Nightmare Man

The After Dark Horror Fest movies are a mixed bag. Eight independent horror films each year (with a few bonus movies) are picked to be distributed by After Dark films and ran during the film festival. The Horror Fest has run for two years so far giving us sixteen (plus bonus films) horror films. The quality ranges from utter shit to outright awesome. Nightmare Man leans more toward the shit end of the spectrum but at least it’s entertaining shit.

Ellen and her husband Bill are having trouble trying to start a family, so they do the obvious thing when dealing with infertility… order an ancient African fertility mask in the visage of a horned demon (that looks as if it were made in a 3rd grade art class). That’s definitely going to fix the situation, and hey… who doesn’t like to look down and see a demon’s face during sexy time! Unfortunately, Ellen starts having nightmares about the demon mask, and starts to believe she is possessed by the demon inside it. Of course, Bill instantly wants to have her in the committed to the psych ward. Predictably the car runs out of gas in the middle of nowhere, and Bill decides to hike to nearest gas station leaving poor Ellen alone in the car… in the dark… with the mask that is the basis of her psychosis. He even makes a lame little joke about it keeping her company. That’s when a being wearing the visage of the mask starts chasing her around the woods with a knife (and wearing tennis shoes). Obviously, demons bring their Nikes when cross-country running after their victims. Thankfully she finds a cabin housing two couples there for a weekend getaway. Engaged couple Jack and Trinity, and cabin-owner Mia and her boy toy Ed have a strange game of sexual Truth or Dare (actually the game of Truth or Dare was probably one of the best scenes of the movie featuring a naughty striptease and the best fake orgasm I’ve ever seen) ruined by the bloodied Ellen. It’s just too bad that Mia accidentally leaves her crossbow (that she keeps for “protection”) outside for the “Nightmare Man” to use. That’s where the real fun begins as the characters are killed off one-by-one until we are hit with an inane supernatural twist at the end.

The film isn’t all bad. It tries to make itself out as a horror comedy, and succeeds in all the wrong ways. Thankfully, the film knows what it is, and doesn’t take itself that seriously. The acting is pretty weak on the whole. Blythe Metz (Ellen) reads her lines with all the skill of a porn actress. You’ll want to have the subtitles on during any scene containing Luciano Szafir (Bill). The rest are just as bad (though Hanna Putnam aka Trinity should become the go-to woman for fake orgasms). Tiffany Shepis (Mia) is the only one that really stands out from the pack. Already a B-movie scream queen, Shepis pretty much carries the movie with her charm and likeability (plus it’s a given that when she appears in a movie that she’s not going to be clothed for long). Talking about much else is pretty irrelevant. The writing is atrocious. The direction is terrible. It looks as if the film was shot on a $300 camcorder. None of that really matters because the film is just plain fun to watch (preferably drunk and with friends).

Nightmare Man had a couple of standout deaths. One crossbow bolt through the mouth nailing the completely annoying Ed character to a tree was pretty funny. I was also pretty fond of the head-crushing via fertility mask and rock.

The whole movie pretty much is a laugh out loud moment.

Insert sexual joke here.

Nightmare-inducing, no?

best evil-fighting costume ever

Did I mention the fake orgasm?

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